In this case, the above likelihood function may be modified as follows:
\[\mathcal{L}(X;\theta) = \prod_{i=1}^{n} f_{\theta}(B_i-A_i)\] , where \(A^L, A^R, B\) present the times for lower end and upper bound on the potential dates of symptom onset of the infector, and the symptom onset time of the infectee, respectively.
\[f^t_{\theta}(B_i-A_i) = \frac{f_{\theta}(B_i-A_i)}{F(T-A_i)}\]
set.seed (42 )
n <- 1000
shape_true <- 2.2
scale_true <- 3.3
df <- data.frame (A= sample (0 : 30 , size= n, replace= TRUE ))
si <- rgamma (n, shape= shape_true, scale= scale_true)
df$ B <- df$ A + si
max (df$ B)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0.3967 13.9763 22.4103 22.4031 30.3811 57.0366
Tmax <- 35
under_Tmax <- df$ B < Tmax
newdf <- df[under_Tmax,]
nll <- function (parms, A, B) - sum (dgamma (B- A, shape= parms[[1 ]], scale= parms[[2 ]], log= TRUE ))
res1 = optim (par= c (1 ,2 ), fn= nll, A= newdf$ A, B= newdf$ B,
method = "Nelder-Mead" ,
control = list (maxit= 2e4 , reltol= 1e-15 ))
[1] 2.366494 2.735134
[1] 2389.103
function gradient
101 NA
[1] 0
nll_right_trunc <- function (parms, A, B, Tmax) - sum (log (dgamma (B- A, shape= parms[[1 ]], scale= parms[[2 ]])/ pgamma (Tmax- A, shape= parms[[1 ]], scale= parms[[2 ]])))
res2 = optim (par= c (1 ,2 ),
fn= nll_right_trunc,
A= newdf$ A,
B= newdf$ B,
Tmax= Tmax,
method = "Nelder-Mead" ,
control = list (maxit= 2e4 , reltol= 1e-15 ))
[1] 2.230993 3.230118
[1] 2317.955
function gradient
115 NA
[1] 0
n <- 1e5
x1 <- rgamma (n, shape= res1$ par[[1 ]], scale= res1$ par[[2 ]])
x2 <- rgamma (n, shape= res2$ par[[1 ]], scale= res2$ par[[2 ]])
summary (x1)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0.01066 3.36629 5.58653 6.47582 8.62659 44.32536
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0.0263 3.6574 6.1697 7.2078 9.6218 43.8174
df = data.frame (model= rep (c ("No truncation" , "Right truncated" ), each= n), val= c (x1,x2))
library (ggplot2)
extrafont:: loadfonts ()
theme_set (hrbrthemes:: theme_ipsum_rc (base_size= 14 , subtitle_size= 16 , axis_title_size= 12 ))
df |> ggplot (aes (x= val, fill= model))+
geom_density (alpha= 0.2 ) +
labs (x= "value" , y= "density" )+
theme (legend.position = "bottom" ,
legend.title = element_blank ())
# ggsave("right_trunc.png", gg, units="in", width=3.4*2, height=2.7*2)