Population Monte Carlo 파퓰레이션 몬테카를로

Monte Carlo
parameter estimation

Jong-Hoon Kim


August 10, 2023

최근에 파티클필터링 (particle filtering; PF) 방법을 이용하여 \(\mathcal{R}_t\) 추정하는 과정에 대한 논문을 썼다. 그런데, 항상 의문이었던 것은 PF를 조금만 변형하면 감염병 모형의 감염속도 \(\beta=\mathcal{R}_0 \gamma\) 와 같은 time-invariant 파라미터를 추정할 수도 있지 않을까 하는 것이었다. Population Monte Carlo (PMC)가 바로 그 방법이었다.

이번 포스트에서는 SIR 모형의 모수 \(\beta\)를 PMC 방법으로 추정하여 보았다. 추정하는 PMC 알고리즘을 아래에 구현하였다. 전에 구현했던 particle filtering 와 유사하다. 즉 중요도 샘플링 (importance sampling)을 연속으로 구현하는 데 연속으로 샘플링 하기 위해 Markov Chain Monte Carlo 에서 사용하듯이 proposal 을 이용하여 다음 단계의 샘플을 만들고 중요도 샘플링을 이용하여 추정을 하는 것이다.

library(truncnorm) # draw or evaluate according to a truncated normal dist  
pmc <- function (params = NULL,
                 x0 = NULL, # initial values
                 y = NULL, # observation
                 npart = 1000, # number of particles 
                 niter = 10, # iterations
                 tend = 100, # to control the number of daily y to be fitted
                 dt = 0.1, # dt for the ODE integration
                 prior_mean = 0.5,
                 prior_sd = 2,
                 prior_lb = 0,
                 prior_ub = 2) {
  # makes it easy to use truncated normal distribution
  nstate <- length(x0) # number of state variables (i.e., S, I, R, CI)
  # initial betas are sampled according to the prior distribution
  beta0 <- rtruncnorm(npart, a=prior_lb, b=prior_ub, mean=prior_mean, sd=prior_sd)
  beta <- matrix(NA, ncol=npart, nrow=niter) # to store the samples for beta
  beta[1,] <- beta0 # the initial values for the first row
  # proposal for the next iteration, which is then resampled according to the  weight
  sd = sd(beta[1,]) # scale for the proposal is adapted according to the current sample 
  beta[2,] = rtruncnorm(npart, a=prior_lb, b=prior_ub, mean=beta[1,], sd=sd)
  lik <- matrix(NA, ncol = npart, nrow = niter) # likelihood 
  proposal_prob <- matrix(NA, ncol = npart, nrow = niter)
  wt <- matrix(NA, ncol = npart, nrow = niter) # weight 
  W <- matrix(NA, ncol = npart, nrow = niter) # normalized weights
  A <- matrix(NA, ncol = npart, nrow = niter) # Resample according to the normalized weight
  # initial value  
  proposal_prob[1,] <- 1
  wt[1,] <- 1 / npart  # initial weights
  W[1,] <- wt[1,]
  for (i in 2:niter) {
    # cat("i =", i, "\n")
    # tend increases by 1 accounts for the initial values
    X <- array(0, dim = c(npart, tend+1, nstate),
               dimnames = list(NULL, NULL, names(x0)))
    for (nm in names(x0)) {# starting values for each particle
      X[, 1, nm] <- x0[[nm]]
    # run process model (i.e., SIR model) 
    x_1_tend <- 
      process_model(params = params,
                   x = X,
                   dt = dt,
                   beta = beta[i,])
    # calculate weights (likelihood)
    lik[i,] <- assign_weights(x = x_1_tend, y = y[1:tend])
    # normalize particle weights
    proposal_prob[i,] = dtruncnorm(beta[i,], beta[i-1,], a=prior_lb, b=prior_ub, sd=sd)
    prior_prob = dtruncnorm(beta[i,], a=prior_lb, b=prior_ub, mean=prior_mean, sd=prior_sd)
    wt[i,] <- lik[i,] * prior_prob / proposal_prob[i,]
    W[i,] <- wt[i,] / sum(wt[i,])
    # resample particles by sampling parent particles according to normalized weights
    A[i,] <- sample(1:npart, prob=W[i,], replace=T)
    beta[i,] <- beta[i, A[i,]] # resampled beta according to the normalized weight
    # sd for the proposal can be adapted in various other ways, but we use the sd of the current sample
    sd = sd(beta[i,]) 
    # generate proposals for the next iteration
    if (i < niter) {
      beta[i+1,] <- rtruncnorm(npart, a=prior_lb, b=prior_ub, mean=beta[i,], sd=sd)
  } # end iteration
  return (list(theta=beta, lik=lik, W=W, A=A))

감염병 확산 과정을 나타내는 SIR 모형을 구현해보자. 파티클수에 따라 벡터형태로 SIR 모형을 구현하였다.

process_model <- function (params = NULL,
                           x = NULL,
                           dt = 0.1,
                           beta = NULL) {
  S <- x[, 1, "S"] # a vector of initial S across the particles
  I <- x[, 1, "I"] # a vector of initial I across the particles
  R <- x[, 1, "R"] # a vector of initial S across the particles
  len <- length(x[1,,"S"]) # length of model predictions (same as the data points) + 1 accounting for the initial values
  N <- S + I + R
  gamma <- params[["gamma"]]
  for (j in 2:len) {
    daily_infected <- 0 # to track the daily infection
    for (i in seq(dt, 1, dt)) { # steps per day
      FOI <- beta * I * S/N
      S_to_I <- FOI * dt
      I_to_R <- I * gamma * dt
      S <- S - S_to_I
      I <- I + S_to_I - I_to_R
      R <- R + I_to_R
      daily_infected <- daily_infected + S_to_I
    x[, j, "S"] <- S
    x[, j, "I"] <- I
    x[, j, "R"] <- R
    x[, j, "Inc"] <- daily_infected
  return(x[, 2:len, "Inc"])

모수 추정에 사용할 거짓 일별 감염자수를 만들어보자. 위에서 구현한 process_model에서 예측되는 일별 감염자 수를 평균으로 하는 푸아송 분포를 이용하여 만들었다.

parm = list(gamma=0.3) #
x0 = c(S=9990, I=10, R=0, Inc=0)#
tend = 50 # the number of observations
# tend + 1 to account for the initial values
X <- array(0, dim = c(1, tend+1, 4), 
               dimnames = list(NULL, NULL, names(x0)))
for (nm in names(x0)) {# starting values for each particle
  X[, 1, nm] <- x0[[nm]]
truebeta <- 0.6 # true beta
pred <- process_model(params=parm, x=X, beta=truebeta)
y <- rpois(tend, lambda=round(pred))  # 

pmc 함수에 사용된 또 다른 함수 assign_weights를 아래에 구현하였다.

assign_weights <- function (x, y) {
  di <- dim(x)
  npart <- di[1] # number of particles
  nobs <- di[2] # number of observations
  loglik <- rep(NA, npart)
  for (i in 1:npart) {
    mean_case <- x[i,] # for the ith particle
    expected_case <- pmax(0, mean_case)
    obs_case <- round(y)
    loglik[i] <- sum(dpois(obs_case, lambda=expected_case, log=T), na.rm=T)
  return (exp(loglik)) # convert to normal probability

PMC를 이용하여 모수 추정을 해보고 결과를 그림으로 나타내보자.

# gamma and x0 are set to the same as the model used to generate the data
parm = list(gamma=0.3)
x0 = c(S=9990, I=10, R=0, Inc=0)# initial condition
niter = 50
# out = pmc(params = parm, x0 = x0, y=y, npart=10000, niter=niter,
#    tend = length(y), dt=0.1, prior_mean=0.5, prior_sd=0.1, prior_lb=0,
#    prior_ub=2)
# saveRDS(out, "out_20230811.rds")

out <- readRDS("out_20230811.rds")
hist(out$theta[niter,], xlab=expression(beta), main="")
abline(v=truebeta, col=2, lwd=2)