Negative binomial regression with censored data: POLYMOD data


Jong-Hoon Kim


November 2, 2023

This post describes my attempt to reproduce Table 1 of the paper, Social Contacts and Mixing Patterns Relevant to the Spread of Infectious Diseases. Data were downloaded from Social Contact Data, which was hosted in zenodo. I used the version 1.1. In summary, I wasn’t successful at reproducing the table exactly but still wanted to document the processes that I went through.

Data preparation

d1 <- fread("2008_Mossong_POLYMOD_participant_common.csv")
# d1 <- fread("data/2008_Mossong_POLYMOD_participant_common.csv")
d2 <- fread("2008_Mossong_POLYMOD_contact_common.csv")
# d2 <- fread("data/2008_Mossong_POLYMOD_contact_common.csv")
# count the number of contacts for each participant using part_id variable
d2 |> group_by(part_id) |>
  summarize(contacts = n()) -> d2_contacts
d12 <- left_join(d1, d2_contacts, by="part_id")
# add household information
d3 <- fread("2008_Mossong_POLYMOD_hh_common.csv")
# d3 <- fread("data/2008_Mossong_POLYMOD_hh_common.csv")
d123 <- left_join(d12, d3, by="hh_id")
# add day of week information
d4 <- fread("2008_Mossong_POLYMOD_sday.csv")
# d4 <- fread("data/2008_Mossong_POLYMOD_sday.csv")
dat <- left_join(d123, d4, by="part_id")

Data manipulation

Categorize the age group into different 10 age groups: 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19, and 20 to 70 by 10 years and 70 and above

age_grp_label <- c("0-4","5-9","10-14","15-19","20-29",

dat$age_grp <- ifelse($part_age), "Missing", 
                      ifelse(dat$part_age < 20,
                             age_grp_label[floor(dat$part_age/5) + 1], 
                             ifelse(dat$part_age < 80,
                                    age_grp_label[floor(dat$part_age/10) + 3],

Compare the number of participants by age group (the third column of Table 1)

dat |> group_by(age_grp) |> summarize(npart=n()) -> npart_ag
# hard-coded using the values in Table 1.
npart_ag$true <- c(660,661,713,685,879,815,908,906,728,270,65) 
# A tibble: 11 × 3
   age_grp npart  true
   <chr>   <int> <dbl>
 1 0-4       660   660
 2 10-14     713   661
 3 15-19     685   713
 4 20-29     879   685
 5 30-39     815   879
 6 40-49     908   815
 7 5-9       661   908
 8 50-59     906   906
 9 60-69     728   728
10 70+       270   270
11 Missing    65    65

Categorize the household size

classify_household <- function(d){
  d$hh_size_grp <- "Missing"
  d$hh_size_grp <- ifelse(d$hh_size > 5, "6+", as.character(d$hh_size))
dat <- classify_household(dat)

Classify gender

classify_gender <- function(d) {
  d$gender <- "Missing"
  d$gender <- ifelse(d$part_gender == "M", "M", 
                     ifelse(d$part_gender == "F", "F", d$gender))

dat <- classify_gender(dat)

Classify day of week

dayofweek_label <- c("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday",

classify_dayofweek <- function(d) {
  d$dayofweek_f <- "Missing"
  for (i in 1:nrow(d)) {
    day = d$dayofweek[i]
    if (! {
      d$dayofweek_f[i] <- dayofweek_label[day+1]
dat <- classify_dayofweek(dat)
# change names for conveninence
dat$dayofweek_integer <- dat$dayofweek
dat$dayofweek <- dat$dayofweek_f

Make categorical variables factor for regression Set reference groups relevel(x, ref=ref) as in Table 1

# set the categorical variables as factor for regression
dat$age_grp <- factor(dat$age_grp, levels=c(age_grp_label,"Missing"))
dat$age_grp <- relevel(dat$age_grp, ref="0-4")
dat$gender <- factor(dat$gender, levels=c("F","M","Missing"))
dat$gender <- relevel(dat$gender, ref = "F")
dat$dayofweek <- factor(dat$dayofweek, levels=c(dayofweek_label,"Missing"))
dat$dayofweek <- relevel(dat$dayofweek, ref = "Sunday")
dat$hh_size_grp <- as.factor(dat$hh_size_grp)
dat$hh_size_grp <- relevel(dat$hh_size_grp, ref="1")
dat$country <- factor(dat$country, levels=c("BE","DE","FI","GB","IT","LU","NL","PL"))
dat$country <- relevel(dat$country, ref="BE")

# fwrite(dat, "POLYMOD_2017.csv")

Assign weights to individual participants based on the supplementary Table 2. My approach was to identify a row and a column for the relevant weight based on the age and household size. Weight of an age group for the sample was calculated by dividing the proportion of the age group in the population (in the census) with the proportion of the age group in the sample.

find_age_row_column <- function(d) {
  d$age_row <- NA
  for (i in 1:nrow(d)) {
    ag <- d$part_age[i]
      for (j in 1:14) {
        if (ag >= (j-1)*5 & ag < (j-1)*5+5) {
          d$age_row[i] <- j
        else if (ag >= 70) {
          d$age_row[i] <- 15
  d$hh_col <- NA
  for (i in 1:nrow(d)) {
    hs <- d$hh_size[i]
      for (j in 1:4) {
        if (hs == j) {
          d$hh_col[i] <- j
        else if (hs > 4) {
          d$hh_col[i] <- 5

dat <- find_age_row_column(dat)
# wlist <- rio::import_list("data/sampling_weight.xlsx")
wlist <- rio::import_list("sampling_weight.xlsx")

classify_weight <- function(d){
  d$wt <- NA
  cnames <- names(wlist)
  for (i in 1:length(cnames)) {
    wtable <- wlist[[i]]
    w1 <- wtable[wtable$`Household size` == "Ratio C/S",] # sampling weight
    W <- w1[!$`Household size`),] # remove the first row
    # View(W)
    for (j in 1:nrow(d)){
      if(d$country[j] == cnames[i]) {
        d$wt[j] <- W[d$age_row[j], d$hh_col[j]+2]

# grep("-", as.character(d$wt), value = T)
# hist(as.numeric(d$wt))
dat <- classify_weight(dat)
dat$wt <- as.numeric(dat$wt)

Data for fitting only complete cases

There are missing values for contacts ($n$=36) and weight ($n$=65). It is not clear how those observations were treated in the model. This may be a reason why I can’t reproduce the results in Table 1.

dat_ <- dat
## would imputation for the 36 observations make a difference?
# dat$contacts_ori <- dat$contacts
# dat$contacts <- ifelse($contacts), round(mean(dat$contacts, na.rm=T)), dat$contacts)

model_var <- c("contacts", "age_grp", "gender", "dayofweek", "hh_size_grp", "country", "wt")
dat <- dat[,..model_var]
# dat <- dat[complete.cases(dat),]
dat <- dat[!,]

NegBin regression: no censoring and no weighting

m <- glm.nb(contacts ~ age_grp + gender + dayofweek + hh_size_grp + country, 
            data = dat)
# summary(m4)
       (Intercept)         age_grp5-9       age_grp10-14       age_grp15-19 
         5.6764958          1.4022341          1.6768688          1.6824225 
      age_grp20-29       age_grp30-39       age_grp40-49       age_grp50-59 
         1.4458386          1.4168460          1.3868642          1.2940456 
      age_grp60-69         age_grp70+     age_grpMissing            genderM 
         1.0520198          0.8120547          1.0338752          0.9941243 
     genderMissing    dayofweekMonday   dayofweekTuesday dayofweekWednesday 
         1.3434436          1.3179053          1.3998594          1.3876252 
 dayofweekThursday    dayofweekFriday  dayofweekSaturday   dayofweekMissing 
         1.3858679          1.4403113          1.1542837          1.2179674 
      hh_size_grp2       hh_size_grp3       hh_size_grp4       hh_size_grp5 
         1.0990550          1.1255471          1.2592436          1.3360603 
     hh_size_grp6+          countryDE          countryFI          countryGB 
         1.4601697          0.7036079          0.9483997          0.9797998 
         countryIT          countryLU          countryNL          countryPL 
         1.6351704          1.4081732          1.2493105          1.3223343 

Regression that account for censored number of contacts. The paper reads: The data were right censored at 29 contacts for all countries because of a limited number of possible diary entries in some countries

\[ \text{log }L = \sum_{i=1}^n w_i\left(\delta_i~\text{log} \left(P\left(Y=y_i|X\right)\right) + \left(1-\delta_i\right)~\text{log} \left(1-\sum_{i=1}^{28}P(Y=y_i|X)\right) \right) \] , where

\[ \begin{equation} \delta_i=\begin{cases} 1, & \text{if$~y_i<29$}.\\ 0, & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases} \end{equation} \]

Take censoring into account

X = model.matrix(m)
# X <- model.matrix(~ age_grp + gender + dayofweek + hh_size_grp + country, data=dat)

# ini = c(coef(m1), log_theta = log(summary(m1)$theta))
init = c(coef(m), size=summary(m)$theta)

negll_censor <- function(par, y, X, ul=400) {
  # parameters
  size = par[length(par)]
  beta = par[-length(par)]
  # create indicator depending on chosen limit
  indicator = y < ul
  # linear predictor
  mu = exp(X %*% beta)
  # log likelihood
  ll = sum(indicator * dnbinom(y, mu=mu, size=size, log=T) +
             (1-indicator) * log(1-pnbinom(ul, mu=mu, size=size)), na.rm=T)

# you can check if two methods (glm.nb vs. optim) match by setting ul high (e.g., 100)
fit1 <- optim(par=init,
            y = dat$contacts,
            X = X,
            ul = 29,
            method = "Nelder-Mead",
            control = list(maxit=1e3, reltol=1e-10))
       (Intercept)         age_grp5-9       age_grp10-14       age_grp15-19 
         5.6047431          1.4335817          1.7328973          1.7131792 
      age_grp20-29       age_grp30-39       age_grp40-49       age_grp50-59 
         1.4411616          1.4214491          1.3811132          1.2825334 
      age_grp60-69         age_grp70+     age_grpMissing            genderM 
         1.0518372          0.8182114          1.0369387          0.9825757 
     genderMissing    dayofweekMonday   dayofweekTuesday dayofweekWednesday 
         1.3945323          1.3504467          1.4340414          1.4146111 
 dayofweekThursday    dayofweekFriday  dayofweekSaturday   dayofweekMissing 
         1.4265521          1.4638406          1.1583928          1.2481137 
      hh_size_grp2       hh_size_grp3       hh_size_grp4       hh_size_grp5 
         1.0879976          1.1266973          1.2623833          1.3638927 
     hh_size_grp6+          countryDE          countryFI          countryGB 
         1.4878961          0.6934848          0.9561751          1.0065923 
         countryIT          countryLU          countryNL          countryPL 
         1.6915581          1.3931403          1.2521232          1.3348934 

Take censoring & weighting into account

X = model.matrix(m)
# X <- model.matrix(~ age_grp + gender + dayofweek + hh_size_grp + country, data=dat) # full matrix
# ini = c(coef(m1), log_theta = log(summary(m1)$theta))
init = c(coef(m), size=summary(m)$theta)

negll_censor_weight <- function(par, y, X, wt, ul=400) {
  # parameters
  size = par[length(par)]
  beta = par[-length(par)]
  # create indicator depending on chosen limit
  indicator = y < ul
  # linear predictor
  mu = exp(X %*% beta)
  # log likelihood
  ll = sum(wt*(indicator * dnbinom(y, mu=mu, size=size, log=T)
  + (1-indicator) * log(1-pnbinom(ul, mu=mu, size=size))), na.rm=T)


fit2 <- optim(par=init,
            y = dat$contacts,
            X = X,
            wt = dat$wt,
            ul = 29,
            method = "Nelder-Mead",
            control = list(maxit=1e3, reltol=1e-10))

       (Intercept)         age_grp5-9       age_grp10-14       age_grp15-19 
         5.6120605          1.4242420          1.7386774          1.7031201 
      age_grp20-29       age_grp30-39       age_grp40-49       age_grp50-59 
         1.4590198          1.4488638          1.3920936          1.3145593 
      age_grp60-69         age_grp70+     age_grpMissing            genderM 
         1.0690678          0.8092529          0.9944973          0.9919151 
     genderMissing    dayofweekMonday   dayofweekTuesday dayofweekWednesday 
         1.0153858          1.3261171          1.3904167          1.3853431 
 dayofweekThursday    dayofweekFriday  dayofweekSaturday   dayofweekMissing 
         1.4001935          1.4212925          1.1905515          1.2452143 
      hh_size_grp2       hh_size_grp3       hh_size_grp4       hh_size_grp5 
         1.1014090          1.1254771          1.2788309          1.3717150 
     hh_size_grp6+          countryDE          countryFI          countryGB 
         1.4784786          0.6889027          0.9561525          0.9925714 
         countryIT          countryLU          countryNL          countryPL 
         1.6631404          1.4198698          1.3256452          1.3635879 
da <- data.frame(
  parm=c("0-4", "5-9", "10-14", "15-19", "20-29", "30-39", "40-49", 
"50-59", "60-69", "70+", "Missing", 
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6+",
"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", 
"Saturday", "Missing",
"BE", "DE", "FI", "GB", "IT", "LU", "NL", "PL"),
est = c(1.00, 1.42, 1.73, 1.68, 1.45, 1.45, 1.38, 1.31, 1.06, 0.81,0.91, 
        1.00, 0.99, 1.57, 
        1.00, 1.17, 1.20, 1.36, 1.46, 1.56,
        1.00, 1.33, 1.39, 1.38, 1.41, 1.43, 1.20, 1.24,
        1.00, 0.70, 0.94, 0.99, 1.66, 1.42, 1.34, 1.37))

da$myest = round(c(1.00, exp(fit2$par)[2:11], 
             1.00, exp(fit2$par)[12:13],
             1.00, exp(fit2$par)[21:25],
             1.00, exp(fit2$par)[14:20],
             1.00, exp(fit2$par)[26:32]), digits=2)
        parm  est myest
1        0-4 1.00  1.00
2        5-9 1.42  1.42
3      10-14 1.73  1.74
4      15-19 1.68  1.70
5      20-29 1.45  1.46
6      30-39 1.45  1.45
7      40-49 1.38  1.39
8      50-59 1.31  1.31
9      60-69 1.06  1.07
10       70+ 0.81  0.81
11   Missing 0.91  0.99
12         F 1.00  1.00
13         M 0.99  0.99
14   Missing 1.57  1.02
15         1 1.00  1.00
16         2 1.17  1.10
17         3 1.20  1.13
18         4 1.36  1.28
19         5 1.46  1.37
20        6+ 1.56  1.48
21    Sunday 1.00  1.00
22    Monday 1.33  1.33
23   Tuesday 1.39  1.39
24 Wednesday 1.38  1.39
25  Thursday 1.41  1.40
26    Friday 1.43  1.42
27  Saturday 1.20  1.19
28   Missing 1.24  1.25
29        BE 1.00  1.00
30        DE 0.70  0.69
31        FI 0.94  0.96
32        GB 0.99  0.99
33        IT 1.66  1.66
34        LU 1.42  1.42
35        NL 1.34  1.33
36        PL 1.37  1.36