Learning ChatGPT 1: Probabilities for the next word


Jong-Hoon Kim


May 1, 2024

Inspired by the blog post by Stephen Wolfram about the workings of the GPT-2 system, I decided to learn a bit about ChatGPT myself. Luckily, GPT-2 is now available for R. My first task is simply to learn to run the model and generate the probability table for the words that can follow the text, “The best thing about AI is to be able to”. The following contents are mainly based on the blog post by Stephen Wolfram. Additional resources include OpenAI Github page for gpt-2 and the paper describing GPT-2 paper.

Load the libraries and R implementation of GPT-2.


Create a tokenizer to process inputs.

tok <- tok::tokenizer$from_pretrained("gpt2")

Load a GPT-2 model

torch::with_device(device = "meta",{
  Model0 <- GPT(
    block_size = 1024,
    n_embd = 768,
    N_Layers = 12,
    nvoc = 50257,
    Head = 12

Apply the model weights

Model0$load_state_dict(state_dict = torch_load("Model-weights.pt"),
                       .refer_to_state_dict = TRUE)

Create a function to list up top_k words with their probabilities.

top_k_words <- function(model = NULL,
                             device = NULL,
                             raw_text = NULL, 
                             temperature = NULL, 
                             top_k = 10){
  idx = tok$encode(raw_text)$ids
  paste0("Input text is ", raw_text)
  idx = torch::torch_tensor(idx+1, dtype=torch::torch_int(), device=device0)
  idx = torch::torch_unsqueeze(idx, 1)
  idx_cond = idx    
  logits = model$eval()(idx_cond)
  logits = logits[, min(idx$size(2),1024), ] / temperature
  logits = logits$topk(top_k)
  probs = torch::nnf_softmax(logits[[1]],-1)
  df <- data.frame(token = NA,
  for (i in 1:top_k) {
    idx_next <- logits[[2]][,as.integer(i)]$unsqueeze(1)
    token <- tok$decode(as.integer(idx_next$cpu()-1))
    df$token[i] <- token

Have the model run on GPU

Model0 = if (torch::cuda_is_available()) Model0$cuda() else Model0$cpu()
device0 = if (torch::cuda_is_available()) "cuda" else "cpu"

Generate the results

set.seed(1) # for reproducibility, GPT-2 output is random.
df <- top_k_words(model = Model0,
                  device = device0,
                  raw_text = "The best thing about AI is its ability to", 
                  temperature = 0.8,
                  top_k = 5)

names(df) <- c("Token","Probability")
Token Probability
learn 0.2770396
predict 0.2047849
make 0.1826125
understand 0.1745481
do 0.1610149