Generation interval, growth rate, reproduction number

generation interval
growth rate
reproduction number

Jong-Hoon Kim


December 6, 2023

Growth rate, generation interval, and reproduction number

Wallinga and Lipsitch wrote a highly cited paper about the reproduction number. It discusses how to derive reproduction number, \(R\), given the growth rate, \(r\), and the generation interval, \(T_c\).

\[ \begin{align} R &= 1 + r/b\\ R &= (1 + r/b_1)(1 + r/b_2)\\ R &= \frac{(1 + r/b_1)^x}{\sum_{i=1}^y(1 + r/b_2)^{-i}}\\ \end{align} \]

I can seem to use the third equation to reproduce the answer to the example the authors provided. On page 603, the authors gave the example of Influenza A where the generation interval has a mean of 2.85 days with the standard deviation of 0.93 days. The epidemic growth rate \(r = 0.2\). “The \(R=1.57\) for the SIR epidemic model, a value of \(R=1.65\) for the SEIR epidemic model and a value of \(R=1.66\) the more complicated epidemic model with one latent stage and two infectious stages (equation (3.3), with \(x=1, y=2\))”

I tried to reproduce the results.

Tc = 2.85
sigma = 0.93
r = 0.2
# for the SIR model
b = 1/Tc
(R = 1 + r/b)
[1] 1.57
# for the SEIR model, assume that b1 and b2 are the same
b1 = b2 = 2/Tc
(R = (1 + r/b1)*(1 + r/b2))
[1] 1.651225

For the model with \(x=1, y=2\), the \(R\) is not the same as provided. \(R\) can vary depending on how we set \(b_1\) and \(b_2\), but it is smaller than one.

# for the SEIR model with x=1, y=2 (i.e., two consecutive . assume that b1 and b2 are the same
x = 1
y = 2
b1 = 2/Tc
b2 = 4/Tc

numer = function(x) (1 + r/b1)^x
denom = function(y) sum(sapply(1:y, function(i) (1+r/b2)^(-i)))

(R = numer(x=x)/denom(y=y))
[1] 0.7828791

The study also refers to Wearing et al. (2005) study and the result is below. Again, it is not \(R=1.66\)

# as presented in Wearing et al.(2005)

m = 1
n = 2
b1 = 2/Tc
b2 = 4/Tc

numer = r*(r/(b1*m)+1)^m
denom = b2*(1-(r/(b2*n)+1)^(-n))
(R = numer / denom)
[1] 1.423909

I implemented moment generating function to see if I can reproduce the results this way. One important aspect is that how we should set the rate to get the generation interval we want.

mgf = function(b, r) b / (b + r)

1/mgf(b=1/Tc, r=r)
[1] 1.57
mgf_recursion = function(c, b, r){
  l = length(b)
  if (l == 1) {
    c * mgf(b, r)
  else {
    c[l] * mgf(b[l], r) * mgf_recursion(c=rep(1,length(b[1:(l-1)])), b=b[1:(l-1)], r=r)

c = c(0,1/2,1/2)
b = c(3,3,3)/Tc

R0_recursion = function(c,b,r){
  out <- rep(NA, length(b))
  for (i in seq_along(b)) {
    out[i] = mgf_recursion(c[1:i], b[1:i], r)

R0_recursion(c=c(1), b=c(1)/Tc, r=0.2)
[1] 1.57
R0_recursion(c=c(0,1), b=c(2,2)/Tc, r=0.2)
[1] 1.651225
# for y=2 (i.e., Gamma distribution with shape=2)
# use the relationship 
# average time to infection = beta*(1+alpha)/2 where beta and alpha represent scale and shape
# beta*(1+alpha)/2 = Tc/2
# rate = b = (1+alpha)/Tc
R0_recursion(c=c(0,1/2,1/2), b=c(2,3,3)/Tc, r=0.2)
[1] 1.661816