library (data.table)
library (readxl)
library (dplyr)
# d <- read_xlsx("C:/Users/", sheet= "Medium variant")
# d2 <- d[-(1:11),]
# india <- d2[(d2$...3 == "India" & d2$...11 > 2023),]
# names(india) <- c(1:2, "country", 4:10 ,"year", paste0("age_", 0:100))
# saveRDS(india, "C:/Users/")
india <- readRDS ("WPP2022_India.rds" )
india$ year <- as.numeric (india$ year)
# india[,paste0("age_", 0:100)] <- as.numeric(india[,paste0("age_", 0:100)])
india <- india %>% mutate_at (paste0 ("age_" , 0 : 100 ), as.numeric)
yrs <- 2024 : 2100
# simulate
VE <- c (0.4 , 0.6 , 0.8 )
prop_immune <- rep (NA , length (yrs))
for (i in seq_along (yrs)) {
numerator <- sum (india[india$ year == yrs[i], paste0 ("age_" , 0 : (i-1 ))])
denominator <- sum (india[india$ year == yrs[i], paste0 ("age_" , 0 : 100 )])
prop_immune[i] <- numerator / denominator
existing_immune <- 20
pop_immune_ve <- lapply (VE, function (z) 100 * z* prop_immune)
# add the existing immunity, assumed to be 15%
pop_immune_ve_added <- lapply (VE, function (z) 100 * z* prop_immune + existing_immune)
df <- data.frame (years= yrs-2024 ,
pi1= pop_immune_ve[[1 ]],
pi2= pop_immune_ve[[2 ]],
pi3= pop_immune_ve[[3 ]],
pi4= pop_immune_ve_added[[1 ]],
pi5= pop_immune_ve_added[[2 ]],
pi6= pop_immune_ve_added[[3 ]])
extrafont:: loadfonts ("win" , quiet= TRUE )
theme_set (hrbrthemes:: theme_ipsum_rc (base_size= 14 , subtitle_size= 16 , axis_title_size= 12 ))
gg <- ggplot (df, aes (x = years)) +
geom_rect (aes (xmin= 0 , xmax= 30 , ymin= 14 , ymax= 63 ),
fill = "pink" , alpha= 0.01 )+
geom_line (aes (y= pi3, linetype= "80%" )) +
geom_line (aes (y= pi2, linetype= "60%" )) +
geom_line (aes (y= pi1, linetype= "40%" )) +
geom_line (aes (y= pi6, linetype= "80%" ), color= "dark green" ) +
geom_line (aes (y= pi5, linetype= "60%" ), color= "dark green" ) +
geom_line (aes (y= pi4, linetype= "40%" ), color= "dark green" ) +
scale_x_continuous (limits= c (0 ,30 ))+
scale_linetype_manual ("Vaccine efficacy" ,
values= c ("80%" = "solid" ,
"60%" = "dashed" ,
"40%" = "dotted" ))+
# labs(y="Critical vaccination threshold", x=expression(R[0])) +
labs (y= "Population immune (%)" , x= "Years since vaccination" ) +
theme (text = element_text (size= 16 ),
axis.text = element_text (size= 16 ),
legend.text= element_text (size= 15 ),
legend.position = "bottom" )