Regression with censored data: AER::tobit and optim


Jong-Hoon Kim


October 15, 2023

The following example was adapted from the Tobit model in Model Estimation by Example. The dataset contains 200 observations. The academic aptitude variable is apt, the reading and math test scores are read and math, respectively. The variable prog is the type of program the student is in, it is a categorical (nominal) variable that takes on three values, academic (prog = 1), general (prog = 2), and vocational (prog = 3). The variable id is an identification variable. More details of the dataset available at

dat = fread("")
dat[, prog := as.factor(prog)]
      id read math       prog apt
  1:   1   34   40 vocational 352
  2:   2   39   33 vocational 449
  3:   3   63   48    general 648
  4:   4   44   41    general 501
  5:   5   47   43    general 762
196: 196   44   49    general 539
197: 197   50   50    general 594
198: 198   47   51    general 616
199: 199   52   50    general 558
200: 200   68   75    general 800

Following codes were borrowed from the UCLA Advanced Research Computing

# function that gives the density of normal distribution
# for given mean and sd, scaled to be on a count metric
# for the histogram: count = density * sample size * bin width
f <- function(x, var, bw = 15) {
  dnorm(x, mean = mean(var), sd(var)) * length(var) * bw
# setup base plot
p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = apt, fill=prog))
# histogram, coloured by proportion in different programs
# with a normal distribution overlayed
p <- p + stat_bin(binwidth=15) + 
  stat_function(fun = f, size = 1,
    args = list(var = dat$apt))

ggsave("apt_censored.png", p)

Looking at the above histogram, we can see the censoring in the values of apt, that is, there are far more cases with scores of 750 to 800 than one would expect looking at the rest of the distribution. Below is an alternative histogram that further highlights the excess of cases where apt=800.

Note on the difference between truncation and censoring: With censored variables, all of the observations are in the dataset, but we don’t know the “true” values of some of them. With truncation some of the observations are not included in the analysis because of the value of the variable.

The Tobit model can be used for such a case. It is a class of regression models in which the observed range of the dependent variable is censored in some way, according to the [Wikipedia article] ( The possible maximum score 800, which

tobit = AER::tobit(
  apt ~ read + math + prog,
  data = dat,
  left = -Inf,
  right = 800

To account for censoring, likelihood function is modified to so that it reflects the unequal sampling probability for each observation depending on whether the latent dependent variable fell above or below the determined threshold. It appears that this approach was first proposed by James Tobin. For a sample that, as in Tobin’s original case, was censored from below at zero, the sampling probability for each non-limit observation is simply the height of the appropriate density function. For any limit observation, it is the cumulative distribution, i.e. the integral below zero of the appropriate density function. The likelihood function is thus a mixture of densities and cumulative distribution functions, according to the Wikipedia article.

\[ \text{log }L = \sum_{i=1}^n w_i\left(\delta_i~\text{log} \left(P\left(Y=y_i|X\right)\right) + \left(1-\delta_i\right)~\text{log} \left(1-\sum_{i=1}^{l_U}P(Y=y_i|X)\right) \right) \] , where \(l_U\) represents the upper limit and

\[ \begin{equation} \delta_i=\begin{cases} 1, & \text{if }y_i < l_U.\\ 0, & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases} \end{equation} \]

Log likelihood accounting for censoring

negloglik <- function(par, y, X, ul=100) {
  # parameters
  sd = par[length(par)]
  beta = par[-length(par)]
  # create indicator depending on chosen limit
  indicator = y < ul
  # linear predictor
  mu = X %*% beta
  # log likelihood
  loglik = indicator * dnorm(y, mean=mu, sd=sd, log=T) +
             (1-indicator) * log(1-pnorm(ul, mean=mu, sd=sd))

  sumloglik = sum(loglik, na.rm=T)


# Setup data and initial values.
mod = lm(apt ~ read + math + prog, data = dat)
X = model.matrix(mod)
init = c(coef(mod), sigma=summary(mod)$sigma)

# negloglik(par=init, y=acad_apt$apt, X=X, ul=800)

fit <- optim(par = init,
            fn = negloglik,
            y = dat$apt,
            X = X,
            ul = 800)

   (Intercept)           read           math    proggeneral progvocational 
    209.565971       2.697939       5.914485     -12.714763     -46.143904 
   (Intercept)           read           math    proggeneral progvocational 
    211.054867       2.813491       5.763177     -12.354492     -45.847701 

optim control parameters

By adjusting control parameters of the optim function, results can match more closely. Below is such an example.

fit <- optim(par = init,
            fn = negloglik,
            y = dat$apt,
            X = X,
            ul = 800,
            method = "Nelder-Mead",
            control = list(maxit=2e4, reltol=1e-15))

   (Intercept)           read           math    proggeneral progvocational 
    209.565971       2.697939       5.914485     -12.714763     -46.143904 
   (Intercept)           read           math    proggeneral progvocational 
    209.565967       2.697937       5.914486     -12.714777     -46.143838 