Branching process model 2

branching process
final epidemic size

Jong-Hoon Kim


November 14, 2023

Branching process model

In the branching process model, the number of secondary infections is realized as a random number (e.g., Poission or Negative binomial).

R0_mean <- 2
popsize = 1000 # population size for each iteration
nrun <- 1000 # number of iterations to compute the mean
outbreaks <- vector("list", nrun) # to store outbreak size for each iteration
init_inf <- 1 # initially infected people

for (r in 1:nrun) {
  pop <- data.frame(id=1:popsize)
  pop$status <- "S"
  pop$status[1:init_inf] <- "I"
  pop$run_id <- r
  pop$time_inf <- NA
  pop$time_inf[1:init_inf] <- 0
  nS <- sum(pop$status == "S")
  nI <- sum(pop$status == "I")
  N <- nrow(pop)
  cnt <- init_inf + 1 # infecteds are placed from the first position
  while (nI > 0 & nS > 0) {
    row <- which(pop$status == "I")
    nI <- length(row)
    for (i in seq_len(nI)) {
      # cat("i =", i, "\n")
      pop$status[row[i]] <- "R"
      offspring <- rpois(1, lambda=R0_mean*nS/N)
      nS = nS - offspring
      for (k in seq_len(offspring)) {
        pop$status[cnt] <- "I"
        pop$time_inf[cnt] <- pop$time_inf[row[i]] + 
          rgamma(1, shape=2, rate=1/3)
        cnt <- cnt + 1
  outbreaks[[r]] <- pop

outbreak_size <- sapply(outbreaks, function(x) nrow(x) - sum(x$status=="S"))
hist(outbreak_size) # minor and major outbreaks
major_outbreaks = outbreak_size > 200
mean(outbreak_size[major_outbreaks])/popsize # only major outbreaks
[1] 0.7974659
outbks = purrr::list_rbind(outbreaks)

outbks[major_outbreaks,] |> 
  filter(! |> 