Branching process model

branching process
final epidemic size

Jong-Hoon Kim


November 8, 2023

Branching process model

In the branching process model, the number of secondary infections is realized as a random number (e.g., Poission or Negative binomial).

R0_mean <- 2
popsize = 1000 # population size for each iteration
nrun <- 1000 # number of iterations to compute the mean
outbreaks <- rep(NA, nrun) # to store outbreak size for each iteration
init_inf <- 1 # initially infected people

for (r in seq_len(nrun)) {
  pop <- data.frame(id=1:popsize)
  pop$status <- "S"
  pop$status[1:init_inf] <- "I"
  nS <- sum(pop$status == "S")
  nI <- sum(pop$status == "I")
  N <- nrow(pop)
  cnt <- init_inf + 1 # infecteds are placed from the first position
  while (nI > 0 & nS > 0) {
    row <- which(pop$status == "I")
    nI <- length(row)
    for (i in seq_len(nI)) {
      pop$status[row[i]] <- "R"
      offspring <- rpois(1, lambda=R0_mean*nS/N)
      nS = nS - offspring
      for (k in seq_len(offspring)) {
        pop$status[cnt] <- "I" 
        cnt <- cnt + 1
  outbreaks[r] = popsize - sum(pop$status == "S")

hist(outbreaks) # minor and major outbreaks

sum(outbreaks>200)/nrun # freq of major outbreaks
[1] 0.792
mean(outbreaks[outbreaks>200])/popsize # outbreak size of the only major outbreaks
[1] 0.7966742
max(outbreaks) # maximum outbreak size
[1] 853

Final epidemic size

To make sure that my branching process model makes sense, let’s compare the final size of an epidemic. As shown in the previous post, for the \(SIR\) model in a well-mixed population, the final epidemic size, \(R(\infty)\) is given as follows: \[R(\infty) = 1 − \text{exp}\left[-R_0R(\infty)\right]\]

# final size of an epidemic, R
final_size <- function(R, R0){
  R - 1 + exp(-R0*R)
# lower bound set at a positive number to avoid R=0, which is also a solution
uniroot(final_size, interval=c(1e-3,1), R0=R0_mean)$root
[1] 0.7968115

Negative binomial distribution

What would happen if I allow the negative binomial distribution for the offspring

R0_mean <- 2
R0_size <- 0.2 # loosely based on the estimate for Ebola (see Kucharski et al. 2016
popsize = 1000 # population size for each iteration
nrun <- 1000 # number of iterations to compute the mean
outbreaks <- rep(NA, nrun) # to store outbreak size for each iteration
init_inf <- 1 # initially infected people

for (r in seq_len(nrun)) {
  pop <- data.frame(id=1:popsize)
  pop$status <- "S"
  pop$status[1:init_inf] <- "I"
  nS <- sum(pop$status == "S")
  nI <- sum(pop$status == "I")
  N <- nrow(pop)
  cnt <- init_inf + 1 # infecteds are placed from the first position
  while (nI > 0 & nS > 0) {
    row <- which(pop$status == "I")
    nI <- length(row)
    for (i in seq_len(nI)) {
      pop$status[row[i]] <- "R"
      offspring <- rnbinom(1, mu=R0_mean*nS/N, size=R0_size)
      nS = nS - offspring
      for (k in seq_len(offspring)) {
        pop$status[cnt] <- "I" 
        cnt <- cnt + 1
  outbreaks[r] = popsize - sum(pop$status == "S")

hist(outbreaks) # minor and major outbreaks
sum(outbreaks>200)/nrun # freq of major outbreaks
mean(outbreaks[outbreaks>200])/popsize # only major outbreaks
max(outbreaks) # maximum outbreak size