from sympy import *
= symbols('b k g')
b, k, g, = Matrix([[0, b],[0, 0]])
F = Matrix([[k, 0], [-k, g]])
V = F*(V**-1)
M = M.eigenvals(simplify=true)
eigval =True)
init_printing(use_unicode= list(eigval.keys())
lst 1] lst[
Jong-Hoon Kim
June 2, 2024
A recent article published in Mathematics discusses an approach to calculating \(\mathcal{R}_0\). Since I have previously written a post about calculating \(\mathcal{R}_0\) using Sympy, I wanted to explore a new approach proposed by the article.
The article claims that \(\mathcal{R}_0\) is a not function of the original set of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) because \((F, V)\) gradient decomposition may not be unique for a given set of ODEs. As a reminder, Diekmann et al. showed that \(\mathcal{R}_0\) is the spectral radius, or Perron–Frobenius eigenvalue, of the next generation operator.
\[\begin{align} \mathrm{d}S/\mathrm{d}t &= -\beta I S/N \\ \mathrm{d}I/\mathrm{d}t &= \beta I S/N - \gamma I\\ \mathrm{d}R/\mathrm{d}t &= \gamma I \end{align}\]Following Python and Mathematica codes generate that \[\mathcal{R}_0 = \frac{\beta}{\gamma}.\] if \(\beta\) and \(\gamma\) are replaced with \(b\) and \(g\), respectively.
from sympy import *
b, k, g, = symbols('b k g')
F = Matrix([[0, b],[0, 0]])
V = Matrix([[k, 0], [-k, g]])
M = F*(V**-1)
eigval = M.eigenvals(simplify=true)
lst = list(eigval.keys())
Mathematica uses the following next generation method (NGM) function provided in the article.
NGM[mod_, inf_] :=
Module[{dyn, X, infc, M, V, F, F1, V1, K}, dyn = mod[[1]];
X = mod[[2]]; infc = Complement[Range[Length[X]], inf];
M = Grad[dyn[[inf]], X[[inf]]]
(*The jacobian of the infectious equations*);
V1 = -M /. Thread[X[[infc]] -> 0]
(*V1 is a first guess for V,
retains all gradient terms which disappear when the non infectious \
components are null*); F1 = M + V1
(*F1 is a first guess for F,containing all other gradient terms*);
F = Replace[F1, _. _?Negative -> 0, {2}];
(*all terms in F1 containing minuses are set to 0*); V = F - M;
K = (F . Inverse[V]) /. Thread[X[[inf]] -> 0] // FullSimplify;
{M, V1, F1, F, V, K}]
eqnsSEIR = {
-b s i ,
b s i - k e,
k e - g i,
g i }
varsSEIR = {s, e, i, r}
modSEIR = {eqnsSEIR, varsSEIR}
NGM[modSEIR, {2, 3}] /. s -> 1
As in the previous post, I applied the method to the model used in Pitzer et al., of which the model may be expressed in the following set of equations.
\[\begin{align} \mathrm{d}S_1/\mathrm{d}t &= B + \epsilon S_2 - (\lambda_p+\lambda_w+\mu)S_1\\ \mathrm{d}I_1/\mathrm{d}t &= (\lambda_p+\lambda_w)S_1 - (\delta+\mu) I_1 \\ \mathrm{d}R/\mathrm{d}t &= \delta(1-\theta-\alpha)(I_1+I_2) - (\omega +\mu)R \\ \mathrm{d}C/\mathrm{d}t &= \delta\theta(I_1+I_2) - \mu C \\ \mathrm{d}S_2/\mathrm{d}t &= \omega R -\epsilon S_2 - (\lambda_p+\lambda_w+\mu) S_2\\ \mathrm{d}I_2/\mathrm{d}t &= (\lambda_p+\lambda_w) S_2 - (\delta+\mu) I_2 \\ \mathrm{d}W/\mathrm{d}t &= \gamma(I_1+rI_2+rC) - \xi W \end{align}\]Following Python and Mathematica codes generates that
\[\begin{align} \mathcal{R}_0 = \frac{1}{\mu+\delta} \left(\beta_p +\frac{\gamma \beta_w}{\xi}\right) \left(1 +\frac{\delta\theta r}{\mu}\right) \end{align}\]In the following Python codes \(p, r, w, d, m, t, g, x\) represent \(\beta_p, r, \beta_w, \delta, \mu, \theta, \gamma, \xi\) in the equation.
p, r, w, d, m, t, g, x = symbols('p r w d m t g x')
F = Matrix([[p, r*p, r*p, w], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]])
V = Matrix([[d+m, 0, 0, 0], [0, d+m, 0, 0], [-d*t, -d*t, m, 0], [-g, -r*g, -r*g, x]])
M = F*(V**-1)
eigval = M.eigenvals(simplify=true)
lst = list(eigval.keys())
R0_eig = lst[1]
R0 = (1/(d+m))*(p+g*w/x)*(1+(d*t*r)/m) # R0 from the Pitzer (2014)
simplify(R0-R0_eig) # 0 for the same expression (symbolic assessment)
R0.equals(R0_eig) # True for the same expression (numerical assessment)
eqnsSIRW = {
B + \[Epsilon] Subscript[s,
2] - (Subscript[\[Beta],
P] (Subscript[i, 1] + r Subscript[i, 2] + r c) +
Subscript[\[Beta], W] w + \[Mu]) Subscript[s, 1],
\[Omega] R - \[Epsilon] Subscript[s,
2] - (Subscript[\[Beta],
P] (Subscript[i, 1] + r Subscript[i, 2] + r c) +
Subscript[\[Beta], W] w + \[Mu]) Subscript[s, 2],
(Subscript[\[Beta], P] (Subscript[i, 1] + r Subscript[i, 2] + r c) +
Subscript[\[Beta], W] w) Subscript[s,
1] \[Minus] (\[Delta] + \[Mu]) Subscript[i, 1],
(Subscript[\[Beta], P] (Subscript[i, 1] + r Subscript[i, 2] + r c) +
Subscript[\[Beta], W] w) Subscript[s,
2] - (\[Delta] + \[Mu]) Subscript[i, 2],
\[Delta] \[Theta] (Subscript[i, 1] + Subscript[i, 2]) - \[Mu] c,
\[Gamma] (Subscript[i, 1] + r Subscript[i, 2] + r c) - \[Xi] w,
\[Delta] (1 - \[Theta]) (Subscript[i, 1] + Subscript[i,
2]) - (\[Omega] + \[Mu]) R}
varsSIRW = {Subscript[s, 1], Subscript[s, 2], Subscript[i, 1],
Subscript[i, 2], c, w, R }
modSIRW = {eqnsSIRW, varsSIRW}
NGM[modSIRW, Range[3, 6]]
Again, manually defining \(F,V\) as follows leads to the same answer
F = {{Subscript[\[Beta], P], r Subscript[\[Beta], P],
r Subscript[\[Beta], P], Subscript[\[Beta], W] }, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0,
0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}
V = {{\[Delta] + \[Mu], 0, 0, 0}, {0, \[Delta] + \[Mu], 0,
0}, {-\[Delta] \[Theta], -\[Delta] \[Theta], \[Mu],
0}, {-\[Gamma], -r \[Gamma], -r \[Gamma], \[Xi]}}
Eigenvalues[Dot[F, Inverse[V]]] // FullSimplify
\[\mathcal{R}_0 = \frac{(\mu +\delta \theta r) \left(\xi \beta_P+\gamma \beta_W \right)}{\mu \xi (\delta +\mu )}.\]